Cinco Porqués (Five Whys)
Setting goals and putting a plan in place to attain those goals is the best way to get ourselves started on a successful path. While willpower and motivation can get you excited to start on your plan, those things eventually fade, and it can be hard to keep yourself driven towards achieving what you set out to do. That’s why determining your why is so important!
Getting to the root of why achieving a goal is important to you is the best way to keep yourself going in those moments where motivation feels hard to come by. A helpful strategy to dig deeper into your reasons is the 5 Whys method — and with this being the month of Cinco de Mayo, it seems like the perfect time to try it!
How it Works
Start by listing out your goal below. Example: Stick to a Keto diet.
If you ask yourself “why?”, the obvious answer might be to lose weight. But then ask yourself why again. Why do you want to lose weight? I want to have more energy. Why? So that I can play with my kids. Why? So we can spend more quality time together. Why? So that I can build stronger bonds with my family.
See how drilling down the reason for your goal helps you get to the deeper meaning? Losing weight might not feel all that important to you in a moment of temptation or weakness, but building a closer connection with your kids will.
Use the prompts below to help deepen your why and see how that helps you accomplish your goals!
My Goal:________________________________
Why? ________________________________
Why? ________________________________
Why? ________________________________
Why? ________________________________
Why? ________________________________